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An Educational platform for Preparation and Practice Class 3. Kidsfront provide unique pattern of learning Maths with free online comprehensive study material in the form of QUESTION & ANSWER for each Chapter of Maths for Class 3. This study material help Class 3, Maths students in learning every aspect of Number Count. Students can understand Number Count concept easily and consolidate their learning by doing Online Practice Tests on Maths,Number Count chapter repeatedly till they excel in Class 3, Number Count. Free ONLINE PRACTICE TESTS on Class 3, Number Count comprise of Hundreds of Questions on Number Count, prepared by the highly professionals team. Every repeat test of Number Count will have new set of questions and help students to prepare themselves for exams by doing unlimited Online Test exercise on Number Count. Attempt ONLINE TEST on Class 3,Maths,Number Count in Academics section after completing this Number Count Question Answer Exercise.

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Number Count
The ________3 digit number is the predecessor of smallest 4 digit number?

a) Largest
b) Smallest
c) Same
d) None of the above

Correct Answer Is : Largest
Solution Is :
Write < or = ,> between the given numbers? 213 ____129 ?

a) <
b) >
c) Equal to
d) None of the above

Correct Answer Is : >
Solution Is :
Write < or = ,> between the given numbers? 90 ____89 ?

a) <
b) >
c) Equal to
d) None of the above

Correct Answer Is : >
Solution Is :
Write < or = ,> between the given numbers? 469 ____569 ?

a) <
b) >
c) Equal to
d) None of the above

Correct Answer Is : <
Solution Is :
Arrange the following number in ascending order:

a) `59, 199, 299, 399, 509
b) `59199399299509
c) `399,299,199,59,509
d) `59299199399509

Correct Answer Is : `59, 199, 299, 399, 509
Solution Is :
Arrange the following number in ascending order:

a) `206316402237197
b) `197, 237,206, 316, 402
c) `197, 206, 237, 316, 402
d) `None of the above

Correct Answer Is : `197, 206, 237, 316, 402
Solution Is :
Arrange the following number in ascending order:

a) `107,96,483,708,527
b) `96107483527708
c) `96483107527708
d) `96107527483708

Correct Answer Is : `96107483527708
Solution Is :
Arrange the following number in ascending order:

a) `398412749869909
b) `398412869909749
c) `412398749909869
d) None of the above

Correct Answer Is : `398412749869909
Solution Is :
Arrange the following number in ascending order:

a) `391864789977984
b) `391789864977984
c) `391789864984977
d) `391789984864977

Correct Answer Is : `391789864977984
Solution Is :
Arrange the following number in descending order:

a) `709606426296116
b) `709606296426116
c) `709606116296.426
d) None of the above

Correct Answer Is : `709606426296116
Solution Is :
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