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Once a swarm of bees had put up their hive in a tree that stood on the bank of a river. They remained busy collecting honey all the day. One day a bee felt thirsty and went to the river. As it tried to drink water, the water carried it away. So, it was about to drown.

Fortunately, a dove was sitting on the branch of a tree.

She saw the bee in trouble and immediately went for it's rescue. She plucked a broad leaf from the tree, flew to the bee and dropped the leaf near it. The bee mounted the leaf, dried it's wings and flew away to safety.

After few days, the dove was caught in a big danger. She was sitting on the branch of a tree when an archer aimed at it. She thought of flying away but a hawk was hovering above her head. She could see her death nearby.

Luckily, the bee came there. Seeing the dove in danger, it stung him. The arrow went off but missed it's aim and hit the hawk instead and killed it. Thus, the dove was saved from death.

The End..

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